Terms and Conditions for Parents

Consent on Collection, Usage & Disclosure of Personal Data

By submitting your contact details to LearnTogether via our request form or any communication mode, you agree that LearnTogether may collect, use and disclose your personal data obtained by our organisation for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

(a) to be contacted via any messaging platform or phone call regarding your tuition request
(b) to be utilised in the administrative process of a tutor search
(c) to be provided to the respective tutor upon confirmation of a tuition lesson
(d) to receive tuition-related marketing messages via e-mail or messaging platforms (not limited to SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram)

If you would like to withdraw your consent to the collection of this data at any given point of time, do drop us an email at enquiry@LearnTogether.sg or WhatsApp at +65 80740293.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By engaging a tutor from LearnTogether, you accept the Terms and Conditions listed below with regards to the tuition service provided. The engagement is formalised when a Confirmation Note has been sent to you via WhatsApp/SMS/Email, or/and when the tutor has conducted the first tuition lesson as arranged in the respective correspondence with the client.

Payment And Commission

LearnTogether’s matching services are free-of-charge for the client as commission fees are levied upon the tutor. Upon completion of 2 weeks of lessons (or otherwise stated in the Confirmation Note) with the tutor, the client is to make payment for 2 weeks of lesson fees (or otherwise advised amount) to LearnTogether. The amount may be paid via Bank Transfer, PayNow, PayLah or Cheque to us. The payment made also represents the commission collected from LearnTogether which is levied upon the tutor. All payments to LearnTogether are currently NOT subjected to prevailing government taxes (8% GST), LearnTogether is NOT a GST-Registered company.

Subsequent payment may be made directly to the tutors in a payment method and frequency decided between the client and tutor. All payments made to tutors directly are also Non-GST chargeable. Any additional tuition services such as an additional subject or teaching of the student’s siblings must be disclosed to LearnTogether and will also be liable for commission. This commission will similarly be charged to the tutor.

In the case of an extreme short-term assignment (4 or less lessons), a client may agree to bear the commission on behalf the tutor to increase the chances of success for a suitable tutor. Do kindly note that this arrangement is non-exchangable with the usual case (whereby the tutor bears the commission). Even if the client decides to take more than the agreed number of lessons, the commission will not be transferred to the tutor.

Tutor Reassignment Or Cancellation

In the case whereby the client is unsatisfied or uncomfortable with the tutor arranged within the 1st 4 weeks, the client may request for a change in tutor at any time after the first conducted lesson. The client is only required to pay for all lesson conducted so far, and no further fees. The general guideline would be to have a commitment period of 1 month before deciding whether the tuition services are deemed suitable/unsuitable for the student.

For any cancellations by the client before 4 full weeks of lessons are completed, LearnTogether will split 50% of the total lesson fees with the tutor. The client is required to pay LearnTogether for the amount reflected in the invoice issued, which is amounted to 50% of the total lesson fees conducted. With regards to the tutor’s fees, we will offer clients the option of paying the tutor directly or requesting for us to transfer the fees on their behalf. Again, LearnTogether understands that cancellations could occur due to last-minute emergencies, and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In the extremely rare case of a cancellation of the tuition assignment by the tutor, due to personal reasons/mis-matches/medical reasons…etc, the lessons carried out by the tutor will generally still have to be paid for. However, LearnTogether will consider these reasons on a case-by-case basis to determine if full payment by the client for the lessons conducted are required. By acceptance of these Terms & Conditions, you agree to respect and adhere to the final decisions made by LearnTogether on these matters.

Last Minute Cancellations & Postponement Of First Lesson

If a postponement or cancellation of the first lesson is required, the client is required to inform LearnTogether or the tutor 24 hours in advance. If this condition is not met, clients are liable to pay for 50% of the 1st lesson fees in compensation of the tutor’s time & transport costs, and the service rendered by LearnTogether. This amount will be split 50% between LearnTogether and the tutor. LearnTogether understands that cancellations could occur due to last minute emergencies, and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Late Payment Charges

LearnTogether reserves the right to impose a late-payment fee for overdue fees of 1 month or more. The late-payment fees after 1 month will be $50 per 2 weeks (14 Days) of overdue payment after the 1st month of grace period. Other administrative fees may also be charged depending on the resources/time taken to recover the debt. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Mr Tay hired a tutor from LearnTogether on the 8th March 2023, at $40/Hour, 1.5 Hours, Once A Week. He was due to pay the 1st 2 lesson fees of $120 upon completion of the 2nd lesson (15th March 2023), however she failed to make payment. After repeated reminders within a 1 month grace-period, Mr Tay did not make payment on the 15th March 2023. 

As the payment was not received within 1 month, LearnTogether will begin to impose late-payment charges from the 16th April Onwards, of $40 per 2 weeks period. On the 15th April, Mr Tay finally decided to make payment, however his total charges now are $200 instead of the $120 initially owed as 2 blocks of late-payment fees ($80) have been imposed.

LearnTogether also reserves the right to file with the Small Claims Tribunal or take legal action for any debt deemed necessary. As a general guide-line, LearnTogether will file with the Small Claims Tribunal if the sum is not received within 3 months of payment, but may also choose to do so at an earlier date if the debt is deemed to be unrecoverable without legal means. The late payment charges will continue to be imposed for every 2 weeks of no payment till the final order of the court is given.

Qualifications & Authentication of Tutor Profiles/Documents

Clients reserve the right to request for the Educational Certifications of our tutors to authenticate the qualifications and credibility of the tutor.  LearnTogether will request these documents on the client’s behalf and forward them to the client should the tutor be agreeable to sharing their personal documents.

However, LearnTogether is not liable for falsehoods or untruths provided by tutors in their tutoring applications. Do understand that it is not administratively or logically possible for a tuition agency to verify each piece of information provided by tutors in their tutoring profile. Nevertheless,  LearnTogether has its own internal systems of vetting and filtering which eliminates most of these cases of falsehoods. Rest assured that tutors who provide dishonest information are very rare and we have our own internal systems in place to conduct the necessary due diligence to our best efforts possible.

In the case whereby a client has discovered a fraud tutor, please kindly inform LearnTogether and we will assist you in making a police report regarding the fraud.

Tuition Rates And Schedule

The schedule of the tuition is open to rearrangement with the tutor directly after the first lesson has been carried out. Future tuition rates may also be renegotiated when the student has moved on to a higher academic level.

Location Of Tuition

The tuition will be carried out at the location provided by the client unless otherwise arranged or specified.

Collusion & Fraud

Any attempts to avoid the commission payable to LearnTogether (in any form) is considered an illegal act. Our company strictly does not tolerate such fraudulent and unethical actions. A police report will be made immediately without hesitation, and civil actions will be commenced to recover the lost monies from the fraudulent actions.

Quality Of Service

LearnTogether does not provide any guarantee that the tutoring services offered will results in an improvement of academic grades. LearnTogether will however strive to provide the best and most suitable tutor possible which falls within the client’s requests and budget. Once lessons have been carried out, clients are liable to pay tuition fees for lessons attended by the student, regardless of how satisfactory the client deems the lessons to be. The tutoring services however may be cancelled at any time if deemed unsatisfactory by the client. Clients may provide us with feedback with regards to the tutoring experience, and it will be greatly appreciated by LearnTogether.


LearnTogether will put in the utmost effort to create the most suitable match between clients and tutors. In the case of a conflict, LearnTogether will step in to resolve conflicts if necessary, but will not hold any responsibility for the actions of either party. LearnTogether will hold no legal liability for issues and disputes which may arise. LearnTogether reserves the right to withhold information and terminate or deny services to any party, unless legally instructed.

Amendment to Terms & Conditions

LearnTogether reserves the right to amend our Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice to our clients.

Privacy Policy (For Tutors and Clients)

LearnTogether values both our tutor’s and client’s privacy and treats the personal information provided with confidentiality and respect. The notice provided describes our privacy policy. By visiting LearnTogether, you are endorsing the practices described in this policy.


LearnTogether will not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with anyone except to provide products or services you have requested. LearnTogether will not publicly reveal any private information such as NRIC, uploaded certifications, handphone number, or full addresses, to anyone except when necessary in providing the services to the persons described below:


A client is a person who makes a request for a tutor with LearnTogether.
The information provided by the client with regards to the tuition information (location, subject, lesson frequency, other information excluding personal information) may be broadcasted to tutors to fulfil the search for a tutor.

Only after the lesson has been confirmed with a tutor who has accepted the job, will LearnTogether reveal the full address and contact number of the client.


A tutor is a person who registers with LearnTogether for tuition assignments.
The general information relevant to tuition assignments such as your qualifications, gender, experience and other information may be revealed to clients to facilitate the selection process. Personal information such as your contact number, full name of NRIC will not be revealed to clients until the lesson has been confirmed.

Computer Information

Being a web-based platform, LearnTogether will collect personal information when a client or tutor registers with us. LearnTogether may receive and record information on our server logs from your browser, including but not limited to, your IP address, session ID, the pages you visited and the time these pages were visited. This information may be used for research or to improve the user’s experience.

Legal Disclaimer

Although best efforts are undertaken to protect the privacy of our clients and tutors, in the case whereby a legal authority requires LearnTogether to disclose personal information, or any organisation requesting the disclosure of personal information on a legal basis, LearnTogether will comply.

Assignment Application System

The Assignment Application System which LearnTogether uses requires the verification of phone number and date of birth of a tutor to access. Upon successful access, the tutor’s occupational, educational and experience details will be shown. By accessing our system, and by registering as a tutor, you agree to grant access and display of your tutoring information through this method. Tutors are highly encouraged to keep their Date of Birth confidential from other tutors to prevent any possible sabotage or foul play despite the unlikelihood of such an event happening.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This policy may be updated or changed without prior notice.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you may contact us via our e-mail address at enquiry@LearnTogether.sg.