Terms and Conditions for Tutors

Consent on Collection, Usage & Disclosure of Personal Data

By registering as a tutor with LearnTogether, you agree that LearnTogether may collect, use and disclose your personal data obtained by our organisation for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

(a) to receive available tuition assignments via any mode of telecommunication (not limited to WhatsApp, SMS, Telegram, Email)
(b) to be provided to the respective client upon confirmation of a tuition lesson
(c) to receive tutor-related marketing messages via e-mail or messaging platforms (not limited to WhatsApp, SMS, Telegram, Email)

If you would like to withdraw your consent to the collection of this data at any given point of time, do drop us an email

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By registering as a tutor with LearnTogether, or accepting a tuition assignment from LearnTogether, you accept the Terms and Conditions listed below with regards to the tuition matching service provided. The engagement is formalised when a Confirmation Note has been sent to you via WhatsApp/SMS/Email, or/and when you have conducted the first tuition lesson as arranged in the respective correspondence with the client.


All tutors registering with LearnTogether has to be a minimum of 16 years old and have passed their GCE “O” Levels or equivalent academic qualification.

Qualifications and Authentication of Documents

All tutors are required to provide accurate information on academic certifications and personal particulars. Clients reserve the right to request for these certifications to be presented for verification at any point of time. Tutors who attempt to deceive clients with fake qualifications and certifications will be reported to the Police.

General Guidelines for Lesson Conduct

All tutors should conduct themselves appropriately in a professional and ethical manner. If the conduct of the tutor is deemed as unsatisfactory, immediate action will be taken to terminate current and future assignments. Here are a list of general guidelines for tuition lessons:

  1. If a change of timing is required, please kindly provide at least 48 hours of notice. In the case that this is not possible for example due to a sudden sickness, an MC may be requested from the parent.
  2. Tutors are expected to practice punctuality and not to short-change any timing in tuition lessons.
  3. Tutors are prohibited from any physical or verbal abuse to students or parents. This will not be tolerated in any instances
  4. Tutors are expected to communicate regularly with parents about the progress of the student

Commitment of Tutoring Period

Unless otherwise stated, Tutors are expected to commit to the assignment for at least 3 months. If you are unable to fulfil the commitment reasons due to the special reasons or circumstances, you are required to inform LearnTogether to avoid any misunderstanding and prevent blacklisting for future assignments.

After the 1st conducted lesson, the tutor is also expected to make arrangements directly with the client for the 2nd lesson and beyond. Any personal, payment or cancellation terms should also be clearly made known to the client after the 1st conducted lesson.

Commission and Payment of Tutor Fees

A confirmation note & invoice will be sent upon the successful confirmation of each tuition assignment. Upon completion of the 1st 2 weeks of lessons, clients are required to make the payment for the 1st 2 weeks fees to LearnTogether. Future payments may be made directly to the tutor.  In the case whereby the client is unwilling or unable to transfer LearnTogether the 50% commission, we will require the tutor to collect it on our behalf, and make the transfer to LearnTogether at the soonest time possible.

Commission Amount

LearnTogether collects a one-time commission of the 1st 2 weeks of lessons from its tutors. The commission will be collected directly from the client and there will be no further action on the tutor’s part. If there are any additional tuition services to be added during the 1st month, e.g tuition for student’s siblings or addition of subjects, this is to be made known to LearnTogether and will also be due for commission.

Short-Term Assignments

Assignments which span 9 weeks and less are considered Short-Term Assignments by LearnTogether & the industry standard. The general commission taken will be 25% of the Total Lesson Fees, subjected to a cap based on the total lessons conducted.

Tier 1: Total 16 Lessons & Less -> Capped at 2 Lessons Commission
Tier 2: Total 17 to 24 Lessons -> Capped at 3 Lessons Commission
Tier 3: Total 25 Lessons & More -> Capped at 4 Lessons Commission

Tutors are strongly encouraged to take into consideration the commission deducted whilst quoting their rates during assignment application. LearnTogether will state in the assignment details whether the assignment is deemed as a Short-Term Assignment.

Any assignment which is not stated as a Short-Term Assignment by us is deemed to be a Long-Term Assignment by default. Tutors should not make their own conclusions whether an assignment is considered a Short-Term or Long-Term Assignment. This will be solely decided by LearnTogether, and will be clearly communicated to the tutor before any assignment confirmation.

Long-Term Assignments that are terminated for any reason (e.g. unsuitability, location, personal reasons) are NOT considered as Short-Term Assignments.

In general, LearnTogether will collect the short-term commission first based on the original request by the client. Any refunds/top-up of commission due to a change in total number of lessons conducted will be processed after all lessons have been completed and the Short-Term Assignment is deemed as concluded. Tutors are highly encouraged to keep a clear record of all lessons conducted, acknowledged by the client/student.

In the case of any discontinuations for Short-Term Assignments, LearnTogether will collect 25% of the total lesson fees (subjected to the above tier caps) and the tutor will receive 75% of the total lesson fees. However in the case whereby a tutor decides to cancel the assignment completely without a valid or legitimate reason, he/she may not be entitled to any tuition fees for the lessons conducted. LearnTogether reserves the right to bill the tutor for 25% of the intended total lesson fees as its rightful share for the matching service provided. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and any decision made by LearnTogether on the outcome of the case is final.

Tutor Cancellation

The client has the right to request for a change in tutor at any point of time. In such a scenario, if the tuition is cancelled or changed within the 1st 4 weeks of lessons by the client, LearnTogether will only collect 50% of the tuition rates involved. The remainder 50% will be paid directly to the tutor.

There are cases whereby the tutor will not be entitled to their share of 50% of the fees, including but not limited to the following scenarios:
1. Cancellation of assignment from tutor’s end
2. Failure to carry out the tuition lesson to a reasonable standard
3. Falsehood or Inaccuracy about information provided in tutoring profile
4. Unable to provide supporting documents for information listed in tutoring profile (E.g. Academic Certs)

LearnTogether will look at the facts & circumstances surrounding each particular case in a detailed manner, considering the interests of all parties involved. As the coordinating agency, LearnTogether reserves the right to make the final decision on the outcome of the case at hand.

Tuition Rates

The tuition rates agreed on should not be changed after the lesson confirmation. Nevertheless, if the tutor decides to increase the tuition rate subsequently after the student has advanced in his academic level, the tutor may do so.

Length of Commitment, Postponement of lessons, and Last Minute Cancellations

Once confirmation has been received from the tutor via any form of communication (SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Email, Phone Call), the tutor is expected to complete at least 4 weeks of lessons. Irresponsible behaviour will result in a black-list for future tuition assignments.
If a postponement is necessary, the tutor is required to kindly inform the client 2 days in advance. If it is due to a sudden sickness, an MC may be required to be produced to the client.
Tutors are allowed to reschedule lessons only if there is a mutual agreement with the client.

For last-minute cancellations on the 1st arranged lesson, if a client cancels in less than 2 hours before the designated tuition timing, they will be liable to paying 50% of the lesson fees as a charge for the tutor’s transport cost and time.

For last-minute cancellations on 2nd arranged lesson and beyond, the tutor is to make known to the client on their personal cancellation policies beforehand and seek any recourse directly with them. This will not be within the agency’s purview.

Location of Lessons

Tuition lessons will be conducted at the designated address listed in the assignment.

Collusion & Fraud

Any attempts to avoid the commission payable to LearnTogether (in any form) is considered an illegal act. Our company strictly does not tolerate such fraudulent and unethical actions. A police report will be made immediately without hesitation, and civil actions will be commenced to recover the lost monies from the fraudulent actions.


LearnTogether reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.

Privacy Policy (For Tutors and Clients)

LearnTogether values both our tutor’s and client’s privacy and treats the personal information provided with confidentiality and respect. The notice provided describes our privacy policy. By visiting LearnTogether, you are endorsing the practices described in this policy.


LearnTogether will not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with anyone except to provide products or services you have requested. LearnTogether will not publicly reveal any private information such as NRIC, uploaded certifications, handphone number, or full addresses, to anyone except when necessary in providing the services to the persons described below:


A client is a person who makes a request for a tutor with LearnTogether.
The information provided by the client with regards to the tuition information (location, subject, lesson frequency, other information excluding personal information) may be broadcasted to tutors to fulfil the search for a tutor.

Only after the lesson has been confirmed with a tutor who has accepted the job, will LearnTogether reveal the full address and contact number of the client.


A tutor is a person who registers with LearnTogether for tuition assignments.
The general information relevant to tuition assignments such as your qualifications, gender, experience and other information may be revealed to clients to facilitate the selection process. Personal information such as your contact number, full name of NRIC will not be revealed to clients until the lesson has been confirmed.

Computer Information

Being a web-based platform, LearnTogether will collect personal information when a client or tutor registers with us. LearnTogether may receive and record information on our server logs from your browser, including but not limited to, your IP address, session ID, the pages you visited and the time these pages were visited. This information may be used for research or to improve the user’s experience.

Legal Disclaimer

Although best efforts are undertaken to protect the privacy of our clients and tutors, in the case whereby a legal authority requires LearnTogether to disclose personal information, or any organisation requesting the disclosure of personal information on a legal basis, LearnTogether will comply.

Assignment Application System

The Assignment Application System which LearnTogether uses requires the verification of phone number and date of birth of a tutor to access. Upon successful access, the tutor’s occupational, educational and experience details will be shown. By accessing our system, and by registering as a tutor, you agree to grant access and display of your tutoring information through this method. Tutors are highly encouraged to keep their Date of Birth confidential from other tutors to prevent any possible sabotage or foul play despite the unlikelihood of such an event happening.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This policy may be updated or changed without prior notice.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you may contact us via our e-mail address at enquiry@LearnTogether.sg.